- 1. The card shall at all times remain the property of People’s Bank and shall be returned to the Bank unconditionally and immediately upon the Bank’s request.
- 2. The card is for my own personal use only. It is not transferable. It shall not be used for any purpose other than for transactions designated by the Bank.
- 3. I/ We shall keep my/our Personal Identification Number (PIN) strictly confidential and undertake not to reveal such number to any person at any time or under any circumstances. In respect of the card PIN shall mean the original Personal Identification Number confidentially generated for me/us by the Bank and any substitution effected by me/us.
- 4. I/ We shall accept full responsibility for all transactions proceeded or effected by the use of the card however affected.
- 5. I/ We hereby authorize you to debit my/our account with the amount of any withdrawal/transfer payment made by the debit card with the use of my PIN.
- 6. I/ We further authorize you to debit my/our account with all charges relating to transactions made internationally through the card or through any other Local Networks, wherever applicable and also with any other liabilities inclusive of legal fees or other statutory charges if any, relating to the use of card.
- 7. If my/ our account is a joint account, I/we shall be jointly and severally liable for all transactions arising from the use of the card.
- 8. I/ We shall accept the Bank’s record and statements of all transactions processed by the card as conclusive and binding on me/us for all purposes.
- 9. If the card obtained by me/us is stolen or lost I/we shall notify the Bank immediately and shall also give a written confirmation to the Bank. I/we shall not hold the Bank liable for any loss incurred by the use of the card that is lost, stolen or used without my/ our authority.
- 10. The Bank shall at any time be entitled to amend, supplement, or vary any of these terms and conditions at its absolute discretion with or without notice to me/us and such amendment, supplement or variation shall be binding on me/us
- 11. The use of the card shall be subject to the Bank’s prevailing rules, regulations, and any terms and conditions governing all services, facilities and transactions covered by the card or otherwise as follows:
Balance Inquiry
PIN Change
Cash withdrawal
Transactions through POS Machines
- 12.The Bank shall have the full discretion to cancel, withdraw or renew the card without any prior notice or any reasons given to me/us In the event that I/we decide to terminate the use of the card, I/we shall give the Bank not less than 7 days prior notice in writing and agree to return the card.
- 13. All replacements and renewals of the card shall be subject to the terms and conditions which are in force.
- 14. The Bank will not be responsible for the card being rejected for any reason whatsoever.
- 15. I/ We shall at no time use or attempt to use the Card unless there are sufficient funds in my/our account to cover the withdrawal or transfer.
- 16. I/ We acknowledge that the amount stated on the ATM Screen or a printed inquiry slip or receipt advice shall not for any purpose whatsoever be taken as conclusive of the state of my/our account with the Bank.
- 17. I/ We do not hold the Bank liable, responsible or accountable in any way whatsoever for any loss or damage howsoever arising caused by any malfunction or failure of the Card or the ATM or the insufficiency of funds in the ATM.
- 18. All rules and regulations governing the operation of Current, Savings or any other Account shall be applicable to Card transactions relating to such accounts.
- 19. I/ We undertake to use my card abroad solely within the limit authorized by the bank and affirm that the card will only be used overseas for personal expenses such as travel expenses, hotel charges, incidental expenses, medical expenses and purchase of goods/services for my/our personal use, and affirm that it will not be used to purchase goods in commercial quantities, for capital transactions and purchase goods/services on behalf of third parties.
- 20. I/ We undertake to abide by the existing and future regulations and directives of the CBSL issued to govern the EFT Card industry and their usability.
- 21. I/ We agree to pay the Bank where applicable, charges and fees in respect of the operations of the card, loss of the card and the charges in respect of dispute resolution of card transactions imposed by the Bank at rates determined by Bank from time to time.
- 22. I/ We undertake to notify the Bank before leaving the country whenever I/We travel abroad and intend to use the card.
To: The Controller of Exchange,
I/We ...............................(Basic Cardholder/Supplementary Cardholder) .............................. Basic Cardholder/Supplementary Cardholder declare that all details given above by me/us on this form are true and correct. I/We hereby confirm that I/We am/are aware of the conditions imposed under the Exchange Control Act in the Notice published in the Extraordinary Gazette No: 1411/5 of 19th September 2005 subject to which the card may be used for transactions in foreign exchange and I/We hereby undertake to abide by the said conditions. I/We further agree to provide any information on transactions carried out by me/us in foreign exchange on the card issued to me/us at the People’s Bank may require for the purpose of Exchange Control Act. I/We also affirm that I/We undertake to surrender the Credit Card/s to the People’s Bank, if I/We migrate or leave Sri Lanka for Employment abroad. I/We am/are aware that the Authorized Dealer is required to suspend availability of foreign exchange on EFTC if reasonable ground exist to suspect that unauthorized foreign exchange transactions are being carried out on the EFTC issued to me/us.
................... ............................................
DD.MM.YY Signature of the Basic Cardholder
................... ............................................
DD.MM.YY Signature of the Basic Cardholder
I ........................................... (name of the officer) have carefully examined the information together with relevant documents submitted by .................................... (name of the Cardholder) and satisfied myself that the said information and documents are in conformity with Exchange Control requirements and the internal policies of the Bank. The Bank undertakes to exercise due diligence on the transactions carried out by the Cardholder on his/her EFTC in foreign exchange and to suspend the availability of foreign exchange on the EFTC if reasonable grounds exist to suspect that unauthorized foreign exchange transactions are being carried out on the EFTC in violation of the undertaking given by the Cardholder and to bring the matter to the notice of the Controller of Exchange.
.............. .......................................................
Date Signature of the Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bank.