Our free, speedy and easy-to-use loan calculator will help you estimate your loan EMIs and plan your monthly loan repayments more effectively. You can also choose to have all your loan details emailed to you.
The People's Bank's Loan Calculator will present users with a list of loan products along with a short descriptor of what the loan product is about.
Equal Capital repayment + interest calculated on the capital outstanding
Equal Capital repayment + interest calculated on the capital outstanding
Both interest and capital paid in fixed monthly instalments
Equal Capital repayment + interest calculated on the capital outstanding
Both interest and capital paid in fixed monthly instalments
Equal Capital repayment + interest calculated on the capital outstanding
Both interest and capital paid in fixed monthly instalments
Equal Capital repayment + interest calculated on the capital outstanding
Both interest and capital paid in fixed monthly instalments
Equal Capital repayment + interest calculated on the capital outstanding
Both interest and capital paid in fixed monthly instalments
Equal Capital repayment + interest calculated on the capital outstanding
Both interest and capital paid in fixed monthly instalments
Equal Capital repayment + interest calculated on the capital outstanding
Both interest and capital paid in fixed monthly instalments
Equal Capital repayment + interest calculated on the capital outstanding
Both interest and capital paid in fixed monthly instalments
Equal Capital repayment + interest calculated on the capital outstanding
Both interest and capital paid in fixed monthly instalments
Equal Capital repayment + interest calculated on the capital outstanding
Both interest and capital paid in fixed monthly instalments