New Comprehensive Rural Credit Scheme (NCRCS)
NCRCS has been introduced with the primary purpose of uplifting the socio-economic conditions of micro and small scale ...
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Vanitha Saviya Loan Scheme
In line with the Governments’ vision towards development of women entrepreneurs in the country Bank has decided ...
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Aswenna Loan Scheme
Aswenna Loan Scheme is a specific agriculture loan scheme for farmers to purchase of paddy Lands
People’s Thurunu Shakthi
People's Thurunu Shakthi loan scheme for entrepreneurs recommended by National Youth Services Council
People’s Diri Udana
People’s Diri Udana loan scheme for enterprieneurs recommended by small Enterprise Development Division
People’s Divi Maga
People’s Divi Maga loan scheme for enterprieneurs recommended by Urban Settlement Development Authority
People’s Power Loan Scheme
People’s Power Loan Scheme is a special loan scheme designed for the purpose of providing financial assistance
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Kapruka Ayojana Loan Scheme
Kapruka Ayojana loan scheme was introduced in 1998,in collaboration with the Coconut Cultivation Board (CCB)
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Pledge Loan Facility for the Purchase and Storage of Paddy and Maize
Pledge Loan Facility for the Purchase and Storage of Paddy and Maize Loan Scheme is a special loan scheme
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NCRCS has been introduced with the primary purpose of uplifting the socio-economic conditions of micro and small scale farmers who engage in cultivation of seasonal (short term) corps by funding working capital requirements at a lower costs.
- Features
- Eligibility
- Contact Us
Operational Regions
Interest Rate
Maximum Amount
- Loan Amount will be varied base on the crop
Repayment Period
- Inter-se Guarantee of two farmers or other acceptable guarantees
- Paddy
- Chilies
- Potatoes
- Onion
- Vegetables
- Grams
- Soya Beans
- Other Root & Tuber
- Maize
- Ginger
- Oil Seeds
- Sugar Cane
- other subsidiary crops.
Vanitha Saviya Loans
In line with the Governments' vision towards the development of women entrepreneurs in the country, People's Bank has decided to introduce a new development lending loan scheme in order to make banking access to a wider segment of women entrepreneurs engaged in commercially, technically and financially feasible business activities.
- Features
- Eligibility
- Contact Us
Operational Regions
Interest Rate
- For Loans up to Rs.1.0 Mn - 8.0% p.a.
- For Loans above Rs.1.0 Mn up to Rs.2.5 Mn - 10.0% p.a.
- For Loans above Rs.2.5 Mn up to Rs.5.0 Mn - Weekly AWPLR+2.0% p.a. (review monthly)
Maximum/Minimum Loan Amount
- For Investment Purposes – Rs.5.0 Mn
- For Working Capital Purposes – Rs.5.0 Mn
Repayment Period
- For Investment - Maximum 05 Years Including 06 months grace period.
- For Working Capital – Maximum 03 Years without a grace period.
- For Loans up to Rs.3.0 Mn – Two personal guarantees or securities acceptable to the Bank.
- For Loans over Rs.3.0 Mn – Immovable property mortgage or securities acceptable to the Bank.
- For feasible income-generating activities of the women entrepreneurs.
- Should be 25 to 65 years.
Aswenna Loan Scheme
Aswenna Loan Scheme is a specific agriculture loan scheme for farmers to purchase of paddy Lands
- Features
- Eligibility
- Contact Us
Operational Regions
Interest Rate
- Up to 1 Million - 13.50 %
- Above 1 Million to 5 Million - Weekly AWPLR+ 1.5% ( Monthly Review)
Maximum Amount
- For Investment Purposes Rs.5.0Mn
- For Working Capital Purposes Rs.2.0Mn
Repayment Period
- For investment purposes 5 years with 1 year grace period
- For working capital purposes 2 years with 06 months of grace
Age Limit
- Please refer amendment (2) and (3).
- Investment purpose :Purchase of Agriculture lands, Agro machines and Agriculture vehicles, Infrastructure development in respective business, Purchase of animals, fishing boats and equipments, Dairy related vehicle and equipments.
- For Working Capital :Purchase of seeds, fertilizer, weedicides, and pesticides etc., Purchase of raw materials and stocks, Sundry expenses
People’s Thurunu Shakthi
People's Thurunu Shakthi loan scheme for entrepreneurs recommended by National Youth Services Council
- Features
- Eligibility
- Contact Us
Operational Regions
Interest Rate
- Up to 0.5 Million - 15%
- Above 0.5 Million to 1 Million - Weekly AWPLR+ 2.5% ( Monthly Review)
Maximum Amount
- Existing Business - Rs. 1,000,000/-
- Starting Business - Rs. 250,000/-
Repayment Period
- Investment Capital - 60 Months (Inclusive grace period)
- Working Capital - 24 Months (No grace period)
Age Limit
- Applicants engaged in commercially viable and profitable MSE at least for a period 12 months
- Graduate from a recognized University/ Diploma holder in a reputed institution/NVQ certificate holder
- A business proposal should be prepared by an appraisal officer of SED
- Recommendation letter by respective Youth Service Officer in the area
- Bank officer’s independent appraisal
- Entrepreneur training certificate from SED of Ministry or Entrepreneur Education Division of University of Jayawardhanapura
People’s Diri Udana
People’s Diri Udana loan scheme for enterprieneurs recommended by small Enterprise Development Division
- Features
- Eligibility
- Contact Us
Operational Regions
Interest Rate
- Up to 0.5 Million - 15.00 %
- Above 0.5 Million to 1 Million - Weekly AWPLR+ 2.5% ( Monthly Review)
Maximum Amount
- Excising Business - Rs. 1,000,000/-
- Starting Business - Rs. 250,000/-
Repayment Period
- Investment Capital - 60 Months (Inclusive grace period)
- Working Capital - 24 Months ( no grace Period)
- Securities Up to Rs.500,000/- Two personal guarantees or securities acceptable to the bank
- Above Rs. 500,000/- Government servant guarantee with another personal guarantees or securities acceptable to the bank
Age Limit
- Self employments entrepreneurs introducing by SED and our branch net work
- Applicants engaged in commercially viable and profitable MSE at least for a period 12 months
- A business proposal should be prepared by an appraisal officer of SED
- Recommendation by SED officer at Divisional Secretariat
- Bank officer’s independent appraisal
People’s Power Loan Scheme
People’s Power Loan Scheme is a special loan scheme designed for the purpose of providing financial assistance to commercially and technically viable, financially feasible MSMEs to improve their products, services and related processes whilst upgrading their business levels and also, uplifting the living being of low income earners through providing finance for their income generating activities.
- Features
- Eligibility
- Contact Us
Operational Regions
Interest Rate
- For Loans up to Rs. 1.0 Mn - 10.0% p.a.
- For Loans above Rs. 1.0 Mn - Weekly AWPLR+2.5% p.a.( reviewed in every 06 months)
Maximum Amount
Repayment Period
- For investment purposes : 5 years with 3 months of grace period
- For working capital purposes : 3 years
- Group Loan
- Up to Rs.500,000/- : Inter-se guarantee or securities acceptable to the Bank (Maximum Repayment period 3 years)
- Individual
- Up to Rs.3,000,000/- : Two personal guarantees or securities acceptable to the Bank
- Above Rs.3,000,000/- : Immovable property mortgage or securities acceptable to the Bank
- Funds required as investment and working capital for existing businesses and new businesses.
- Any business operating in Sri Lanka that is commercially viable and profitable will be considered to finance under this scheme.
- Annual turnover of the business should be less than Rs.25.0 Mn.
- The borrower must submit the Business Registration for loans exceeding Rs.1,000,000/-.
People’s Divi Maga
People’s Divi Maga loan scheme for enterprieneurs recommended by Urban Settlement Development Authority
- Features
- Eligibility
- Contact Us
Operational Regions
Interest Rate
- Up to 0.3 Million - Weekly AWPLR+ 2.5% ( Monthly Review)
Maximum Amount
- Existing Business - Rs. 300,000/-
- Starting Business - Rs. I00,000/-
Repayment Period
- Investment Capital - 60 Months
- Working Capital - 24 Months
- Two personal guarantees or securities acceptable to the bank
Age Limit
- Should be 20 to 65 years.
- Self employments entrepreneurs introducing by Urban Settlement Development Authority (USDA)
- Applicants engaged in commercially viable and profitable MSE at least for a period of 12 months
- A business proposal should be prepared by an appraisal officer of SED
- Recommendation by District Social Development Officer (USDA)
- Bank officer’s independent appraisal
Kapruka Ayojana Loan Scheme
Kapruka Ayojana loan scheme was introduced in 1998,in collaboration with the Coconut Cultivation Board (CCB), with the objective of providing credit facilities for the development of Coconut Cultivation. The prime intention of this loan scheme is to encourage growers to develop coconut lands as a complete combined farm unit and provide financial facilities for that purpose and achieve a high production rate and productivity in coconut lands accordingly. While selection of suitable lands, identification of viable projects and preparation of project reports etc. are attended to by Project Officers of the CCB, loans will be disbursed in stages by Bank in accordance with the relevant project reports.
- Features
- Eligibility
- Contact Us
Operational Regions
Interest Rate
Maximum Amount
Repayment Period
- Maximum 5 Years ( including maximum 12 months grace period )
- Two personal Guarantee or any other securities acceptable to the Bank according to the credit procedure manual.
- Coconut new Planting and Replanting
- Intercropping
- Rehabilitation of Coconut Lands
- Drip/Hose Irrigation system
- Farm Machinery
- Crop Protection
- Cattle, sheep, goat farming under coconut plantation
- Applicant should submit a viable project report.
- Applicant should be between 18-65 age category.
- Coconut Cultivation Board should recommend the suitability of the land for cultivation of coconut and should certify completion of the estimated part of work.
- Applicant should make an equity contribution of at least 20% out of the total project cost.
Pledge Loan Facility for the Purchase and Storage of Paddy and Maize
Pledge Loan Facility for the Purchase and Storage of Paddy and Maize Loan Scheme is a special loan scheme designed for the purpose of providing financial assistance to working capital requirement of wholesale buyers and rice millers engaged in grains-related industry.
- Features
- Eligibility
- Contact Us
Operational Regions
Interest Rate
Maximum Amount
- There is no maximum loan limit related to pledge loans.
Repayment Period
- For Paddy - 180 days
- For Maize - 270 days
- A pledge of grain stock, together with two personal guarantors.
- Loans can be considered only for the working capital requirement of purchasing paddy and maize.
- Applicant should register the business under relevant authorities (Eg; Co-operative Development Department, Registrar of Companies, Divisional Secretariat Office etc..) and the purpose of the business should be clearly mentioned as “purchase & storage of grain” in the business registration document.
- Availability of strong and adequate warehouse facility which can be properly and securely padlocked for storing of grains.
- Applicant should be experts in grain collection, storage, process and management.
- Pledge Loans obtained during previous cultivation seasons should have been fully settled satisfactorily and currently with a high CRIB scoring.
- Borrowers who have maintained a satisfactory current account with us or any other Bank over a period not less than 12 months.