
Our Vision
  • Inspiring the Nation towards Transformational Growth
Our Mission
  • We are in the business of providing financial services that contribute to the quality of life, and enterprise development, via affordable, accessible, and efficiently delivered solutions
  • We empower and develop our human resources, so that they will care for and protect our customers
  • We contribute to national economic development, while being competitively profitable
  • We believe in ‘giving back’ to the society we operate in, while being sustainable in our business practices
  • To be the most customer sought after bank with the industry best employee satisfaction level
Strategic Objectives
  • Driving Excellence
  • Building Customer-Centricity
  • Being Future-Ready
Our Vision
  • Inspiring the Nation towards Transformational Growth
  • To be the most customer sought after bank with the industry best employee satisfaction level
Our Mission
  • We are in the business of providing financial services that contribute to the quality of life, and enterprise development, via affordable, accessible, and efficiently delivered solutions
  • We empower and develop our human resources, so that they will care for and protect our customers
  • We contribute to national economic development, while being competitively profitable
  • We believe in ‘giving back’ to the society we operate in, while being sustainable in our business practices
Strategic Objectives
  • Driving Excellence
  • Building Customer-Centricity
  • Being Future-Ready


Years of


No of Outlets


No of ATMs

15.2 Mn

Active Customers

3.0 Tn

Total Assets Base
Our Operational Highlights

Our Business Values

Being the Pride of the Nation

Our bank from humble beginnings has become the pulse of every Sri Lankan by enhancing their living standard whilst supporting State endeavors and socio economic development considering the aspirations of the nation.

Customer Focus & Agility

We provide customized solutions to satisfy our customers always placing them at the centre of decision-making and striving to enhance value in our services. We are responsive and flexible to meet the unique needs of our customers by redefining ourselves to embrace change.

Integrity & Accountability

As a financial institute, Honesty and Righteousness have been our strengths, which have been preserved in our culture from our very establishment, and we pride being who we are. As a responsible and a dependable bank, we are liable to our key stakeholders for our conduct.

Continuous Learning Culture & Team Spirit

We seek to improve our knowledge base by enhancing the extrinsic knowledge, tracing and recording the tacit knowledge to improve our efficiency & effectiveness. We believe in our people for our success and everyone working together for a common goal with team spirit.

Empowerment & Diversity

We empower our people and enable their creativity through innovative products, services & processes. We value our customers’ differences, understanding that diversity makes us even stronger.

Meet Our Team

Prof. Narada Fernando

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Mr. Jayantha Thilakarathne

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Mr. Bradley Emerson

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Dr. Ahilan Kadirgamar

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Corporate Information


Name of the bank

People’s Bank

Legal status

A Licensed Commercial Bank under the Banking Act No. 30 of 1988, incorporated as a Commercial Bank by People's Bank Act No. 29 of 1961 as amended.


Auditor General
Auditor General’s Department
Independence Square,
Colombo 7, Sri Lanka.

Secretary to the Board

Ms. S.H. Wijekoon

  • Head Office
    (Registered Office)
  • Off-Shore Banking Unit
  • Overseas
  • Corporate
  • International
    Banking Division
  • No. 75, Sir Chittampalam A.
    Gardiner Mawatha,
    Colombo 2, Sri Lanka
  • +94 11 2327841 (6 Lines)
  • +94 11 2446316 (15 Lines)
  • +94 11 2481481
  • info@peoplesbank.lk
  • www.peoplesbank.lk
VAT Registration No: 409000037-7000

1961 - 1970
  • 1961
    • People's Bank was inaugurated on 1st July 1961. The first branch was opened at Duke Street, Colombo. During the year, 8 more branches were opened at Polonnaruwa, Hingurakgoda, Hambantota, Anuradhapura, Puttalam, Matale and Kandy as well as the Foreign Branch in Colombo. The total number of employees stood at 169.
  • 1962
    • The Head Office was relocated to Ratnam's Building in Union Place, Colombo 2. 17 more branches were opened during the year.
  • 1963
    • The Bank commenced its Pawning Services.
  • 1964
    • The Co-operative Rural Banking Scheme was inaugurated.
  • 1965
    • Some departments of the Bank were relocated to the GCSU building in Sir Chittampalam A. Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 2. The total number of branches increased to 48, which included new ones at Horana, Kekirawa, Padaviya, Mannar, Embilipitiya, Kahatagasdigiliya, Ragala and Talawakele.
  • 1967
    • The Bank commenced a new Agriculture Credit Scheme becoming the pioneer lender to the small farm sector.
  • 1970
    • The "Athamaru" Loan Scheme was introduced to finance economic activities of the informal sector.
    • Investment Savings Scheme, a credit linked saving scheme was launched to attract regular savers.
1971 - 1990
  • 1971
    • The Bank's hundredth branch was opened at Marandagahamula.
  • 1973
    • A Regionalisation Programme commenced to decentralise the administration and provide speedy customer service. A Comprehensive Rural Credit Scheme was launched to provide both production and consumption credit facilities.
    • The Bank initiated the "ganudenu" practice, identifying itself with the traditions of the Sinhala & Tamil New Year and encouraging customers to transact with the Bank at the auspicious time.
  • 1975
    • An aggressive branch expansion programme brought our total branch count to 158.
  • 1977
    • Our two hundredth branch opened at Kollupitiya. The Head Office was relocated to a 15- storeyed building at Sir Chittampalam A. Gardiner Mawatha. The total number of employees at the Bank reached 5,000. The first Fisheries Bank was opened at Koralawella.
  • 1981
    • Our branch network increased to 290 branches. The Extended Minor Savings Scheme was launched.
  • 1982
    • The three hundredth branch of the Bank opened at Ingiriya. Total number of employees reached 10,000.
  • 1984
    • The People's Merchant Bank, a subsidiary of the Bank, was established. Our branch at Slave Island was merged with the International Division and the Fort Foreign Branch.
  • 1986
    • The process of computerisation began at our Central Head Office and selected City branches and a Black Light System was also introduced. Customer turn-around time was thereby significantly reduced.
  • 1987
    • Our Headquarters Branch became the Bank's first fully automated branch. A Special Loan Scheme for rural electrification was implemented in collaboration with the CEB.
  • 1989
    • The Bank introduced a new Inland Bill Scheme for lending to the rural sector and for financing agricultural activities: The Bank participated in a loan scheme sponsored by the Ministry of Labour to provide for housing against assignment of EPF balances. The Bank launched a scheme in association with the Sri Lanka Foreign Employment Bureau to provide loans for job seekers abroad. The Bank participated in a loan scheme launched by REPIA to provide credit to those affected by civil unrest in 1983. A Janasaviya associated loan scheme was introduced during the year. The Bank commenced the issue of Negotiable Savings Certificates during the year.
  • 1990
    • An Endowment Savings Deposit Scheme was introduced. The People's Visa Card was introduced in association with Visa International. 24 branches were fully computerised.
1991 - 2000
2001 - 2010
  • 2001
    • The Bank's Corporate Management Team was strengthened by the recruitment of certain Heads of Division from the private banking sector. Restructuring of the Bank was initiated through the launch of a Strategic Plan. A New Annual Business Planning Process was implemented, to link with the Bank's Strategic Plan. The total number of ATM machines grew to 90. The Bank launched a staff Performance Incentive Scheme for Teams.
  • 2002
    • The number of PABS automated branches increased to 218. 119 branches were connected to Central ATM Switch. A Treasury automation package was implemented. New funds transfer pricing and new business segment profit measurement systems were introduced. Significant upgrading made to the quality of Financial MIS Reporting.
  • 2003
    • The Young Executive Saver's (YES) Account was launched to assist young people embarking on a career. The Bank initiated 'Deepavali' celebrations at all branches to identify with traditional customs of our large Hindu customer base. The Bank signed up with Silver lake System SDV BUD Malaysia to install a state-of-the-art Core banking package and Trade Services Solutions which initially is to be operational in 60 selected branches including Head Office. The Housing Loan product was repackaged and re-launched under the 'Jaya Nivasa' name. The new Savings Scheme titled "Visrama Suvaya" was launched for the pensioners. A Pulse Point staff action initiative scheme launched.
  • 2004
    • Second phase of the restructuring plan for 2004-2008 launched and approved by the Government of Sri Lanka based on the recapitalisation support of ADB. Bank obtained the first ever public rating of BBB+ from Fitch Ratings Lanka. Bank recorded a positive capital value for the first time since 1998 amplifying the turn around of the Bank. Core Banking project implemented successfully. Sisu Udana Vishishtayo, an innovative CSR project launched. Inaugural Jaya Pranama staff awards scheme held during the year. Innovative Ratasalli prize scheme launched to attract inward remittances of foreign currency into Sri Lanka. The highest ever Net Profit after Tax was achieved for the 3rd consecutive year, creating a new chapter in the Bank's history.
  • 2005
    • A landmark year with the 15th Chairman of the Bank Dr. PA Kiriwandeniya assuming duties at the beginning of December 2005. This was followed immediately thereafter with a receipt of LKR 2 Billion as the first tranche of Equity Capital investment in the Bank by the Government of Sri Lanka in keeping with the agreement signed between the Government, ADB and People's Bank. The Max Super deposit scheme was launched. Core-Banking project was further extended across the branch network. Further significant improvements made in the technology platform and customer services delivery facilities with 200 branches linked online for cash transactions. The Inaugural Sisu Udana Vishishtayo National awards ceremony held under the patronage of the then Prime Minister of Sri Lanka successfully completed with huge media publicity support. The Bank also was the major intermediary in bringing Government granted financial assistance for the rebuilding of lives, homes and businesses affected by the Tsunami of December 2004.
  • 2006
    • The Bank obtained an A-rating from Fitch Ratings Lanka Ltd. indicating a progress from its earlier Rating level.
    • The on-line access to AMEX account was facilitated enabling efficient customer service by granting immediate credit on account of incoming remittances.
    • People’s Bank was awarded the POP Award for 2006 in the Banking and Financial services sector by the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing.
    • “The first lesson in school” was launched to inculcate the savings culture for new students entering year 1 classes where the initial deposit was matched one to one up to a maximum of LKR 500/-.
    • “Nidahase Upatha” rewarded new life by giving LKR 500/- to all babies born in the first week of February.
    • The second Sisu Udana Vishishtayo National Award ceremony was held under the patronage of the President of Sri Lanka in recognizing the extra curricular excellence of school children in varied fields.
    • The second tranche of Equity Capital Investment of LKR 1 Billion was received from the Government of Sri Lanka under the agreement signed by the Government, ADB and the People’s Bank.
  • 2007
    • The 16th Chairman of the Bank Mr. W. Karunajeewa assumed duties in May 2007. The rating level of A - from Fitch Ratings was maintained during the year. The Government of Sri Lanka injected the third capital tranche of Rs 1.5 Bn into People's Bank. People's Bank won the People's Award for the Banking & Financial Services Brand of the Year for the second consecutive year. To mark its 46th Anniversary celebrations the Bank carried out a hospital development project in all parts of the country. The Bank surpassed the Rs 300 Bn mark in total deposits during the year. Highest recorded profit before tax of Rs 5 Bn was a significant achievement in 2007.
  • 2008
    • Mr. M. Wickremasinghe assumed office as the 1 2th CEO/General Manager of the Bank. People's Bank won the People’s Award for the third consecutive year in the Banking and Financial sector and the coveted ‘Service Brand of the Year' award for the first time by the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing. Bringing the anywhere anytime banking to its customers, the bank launched its latest service offer of Palm Top Banking to its customers.
    • The Government of Sri Lanka released the forth capital tranche of Rs 1.5 Bn. The Bank reached the Capital Adequacy Level of 10.5% by the end of the year. Further, the Bank's first Debenture issue of Rs 2.5 Bn was made in the year.
    • A notable advancement in the Bank’s remittance service with the introduction of ‘People’s e-Remittance’, a web-based remittance product supported by latest technology to remit money from overseas within minutes. Two new foreign currency deposit products were launched, viz., ‘Doo Daru Ethera Isura’ a foreign currency deposit product for children and ‘Special Foreign Investment Deposit Account’ [SFIDA].
    • The highest recorded profit before tax of Rs 5.6 Bn was a significant achievement in 2008.
  • 2009
    • The 13th CEO/General Manager of the Bank
    • Mr. P.V. Pathirana assumed duties in January, 2009.
    • The Bank issued its second Debenture issue for Rs. 2.5 Bn during the year.
    • 214 branches and 236 service centres are now connected online. The Bank has strategically placed over 300 ATM’s islandwide.
    • Total deposits reached Rs. 400 Bn.
    • The highest recorded profit before tax of Rs. 6.1 Bn was achieved.
    • Received a SAFA (South Asian Federation of Accountants) award for the 2008 Annual Report for the first time in the Bank’s history.
  • 2010
    • Mr. H.S. Dharmasiri assumed office as the 14th CEO/General Manager of the Bank in October 2010.
    • Branch Network and service centres expanded to 679. ATMS increased to 330. People’s International VISA Debit Card was launched in July 2010.
    • The Bank obtained AA- from Fitch Rating Lanka Ltd. and AAA from Ram Ratings . Total deposits surpassed Rs. 462 Bn during the year 2010. The highest recorded profit before tax of Rs. 8.7 Bn was achieved.
    • ARC International two Gold Awards to People’s Bank Annual Report held at New York.
  • 2011
    • Mr. N. Vasantha Kumar assumed office as the 15th CEO/General Manager of the Bank on 22nd February 2011.
    • Total branch network reached 714 whilst ATM locations increased to 382 covering almost all parts of the Island.
    • The Bank obtained an upgraded rating of AA (stable) from Fitch Rating Lanka Ltd. The Bank’s total assets, total deposits and total loans and advances surpassed Rs. 663 Bn, Rs. 539 Bn and Rs. 478 Bn respectively. The highest recorded profit before tax of Rs. 15.3 Bn and a profit after tax of 10.2 Bn was achieved.
    • People’s bank won the SLIM-Nielsen People’s Award for the most popular bank in the Sri Lankan Banking and Financial Services Sector, SLIM-Nielsen People’s Awards - Service Brand of the Year and also won the Bronze Award for Service Category at the SLIM Brand Excellence Awards 2011.
  • 2012
    • Total branch network reached 728 whilst ATM locations increased to 420 covering almost all parts of the island.
    • The Bank Obtained an upgraded rating of AA +(stable) from Fitch Rating Lanka Ltd.The Bank's total assets, total deposits and total loans and advances surpassed Rs. 873 Bn, Rs. 683 Bn and Rs. 660 Bn respectively.
    • The Bank's 2011 Annual Report won one Grand Award and three Gold Award in the Banks: National category at 2012 international ARC Awards.
  • 2013
    • Mr. Gamini S. Senarath assumed duties as the 17th Chairman of the Bank in February 2013.
    • 23 SME Centres: were established across the island.
    • Surpassed 1 Mn cards milestone during the year with access to over 30 Mn Visa accredited merchants globally.
    • Corporate customers were provided with on line real time payment facility for EPE ETF and Customs Duty.
    • People': Bank became the first Bank to be connected to the National Common ATM Switch.
    • ATM locations increased to 460 with the Branch Network expanding to 735.
    • Rs. 5 Bn worth Debentures issued during the year at the Bank‘s Fourth Debenture issue.
  • 2014
    • The Bank’s asset base crossed one trillion rupees, as the second largest bank in the industry. Bank garnered the triple accolades of ‘Bank of the Year 2014’ at the European Global Banking and Finance Award - Sri Lanka 2014 as well as ‘Best Banking Group Sri Lanka’ and ‘Most Sustainable Bank Sri Lanka at the World Finance Banking Awards 2014.
  • 2015
    • Mr. Hemasiri Fernando assumed duties as the 18th Chairman of the Bank in February 2015
    • The Bank has taken an initiative to become a fully digitized bank.
    • The Bank has taken initiative to identify its customer 360 degree view of total exposure by embark on “data ware house” project to combine all its major data sources to derive this value proposition.
    • The Bank has upgraded its ATM infrastructure to an enterprise strength hardware platform to strengthen its capacity, reliability and its availability to customers.
    • The Bank has upgraded its Core Banking infrastructure to a state of the art hardware platform to strengthen its serviceability, increase efficiency and processing power.
  • 2016
    • People’s Bank recently declared open its 500th PET machine at the Military Hospital in Narahenpita
    • People’s Bank has embarked on a powerful sustainability journey to measure, manage and mitigate its environmental footprint by launching a formal Environmental Sustainability Policy, called ‘People’s Green Pulse’, which will guide the institution to achieve its aspirations for a greener future through focused environmental management initiatives.
    • People’s Bank YES Savings Account has been bestowed with the Gold award for ‘Service Brand of the Year’ at the SLIM Brand Excellence Awards
    • People’s Bank proudly launched new logo to reflect the Bank’s evolution to keep pace with new global banking trends and to cater to fast-changing aspirations of customers on December 2016
    • Accelerating its digitalization drive, People's Bank proudly launched its Self Banking Units with CDM/ATM/Kiosks
  • 2017
    • The Group reached new highs and etched many milestones in 2017
    • Total operating income notched at Rs. 79 billion reaching an industry high. The consolidated contribution towards national economic development via taxation, special levels and dividends over the last ten years surpassed the Rs. 150.0 billion mark. Additionally, the Bank received a new capital infusion of Rs. 5.0 billion for first time in the past eight years
    • The Bank witnessed many firsts in the digital and Information Technology sphere, with the opening of Sri Lanka’s first fully-digitalized branch in Colombo
    • Bank was received the prestigious ISO/IEC 27001:2013 quality certification for Information Security Management. This is the world’s highest accreditation for information protection and security and the first for any State Bank in the nation
    • The Bank also won multiple awards both locally and globally with a prestigious ranking of being the 400th Largest Bank in Asia as per the Asian Banker Magazine and included in the World’s Top 1000 Banks by the Banker Magazine (UK)
  • 2018
    • Consolidated total operating income reached an industry high of LKR 94.5 billion recording a YoY growth of 22%.
    • During the year under review, the Bank was the lead financier in some of the large scale private sector infrastructure development projects. Most notable among them is the LKR 10.9 billion syndicated loan facility extended to Hayley’s for the acquisition of Singer Sri Lanka-which is the single largest transaction of a listed company in Sri Lanka in recent times.
    • Further reinforcing the Bank’s dominance in the digital space, six alternative digital channels were launched during 2018 for the benefit and ease of our customers namely People’s Wave-mobile banking app, People’s Web-Internet banking portal, People’s Wiz-express banking, People’s Wyn-Internet banking and mobile app for corporate clients, RLOS-Retail Loan Origination System and CLOS- Corporate Loan Origination System. Among the many finance apps in the country, People’s wave has become the most downloaded finance app in Sri Lanka gaining an impressive 4.7 rating on Google play and is now regularly used by over 300,000 customers across the country.
    • For the 12th consecutive year, the Bank was awarded the “People’s Banking Service Provider of the Year” and the “People’s Service Brand of the Year” awards at the SLIM-Nielson People’s Awards in 2018.
    • The Bank also secured the top spot as “The Bank of the Year for Excellence in Customer Convenience” at the LankaPay Technnovation Awards 2018.
    • Further, at the National Business Excellence Awards 2018, People’s Bank won the “Excellence in Local Market Reach” Award.
    • On the global level, the Bank was once again ranked amongst the Top 1000 Banks in the World by the Banker Magazine, UK and adjudged “The Best Bank in Sri Lanka” at the European Global Banking and Finance Awards 2018.
  • 2019
    • The People’s Bank (Amendment) Bill was passed in Parliament in September 2019, enabling the Bank to issue debentures with relative ease to augment its regulatory capital. Post amendment, the Bank successfully raised LKR 10.0 Bn.in Basel III, Tier II compliant Debentures.
    • The rollout of self banking units (SBU's) was accelerated during the past two years to reach 239 at end 2019 – a feat achieved in just three years. People’s Wave app surpassed most other similar financial apps in the country, to become one of the most downloaded finance apps in Sri Lanka, gaining an impressive ranking on Google Play Store. The success of the Bank in digital platform, is demonstrated through the numerous awards received internationally which include the Best Digital Bank 2019 by both the Asian Banker Magazine and Asia Money and being the recipient of the Best Mobile Banking Application by the Asian Banker Magazine for 2019. At the Asian Banker Financial Technology Innovation Awards 2018, People’s Bank was awarded The Best Digitization Initiative Programme.
    • People’s Bank is also the first and only bank in Sri Lanka to receive the highest international accreditation for information protection and security – the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification.
    • The Bank was recognized as the Best Retail Bank in Sri Lanka and the Most Improved Retail Bank in Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa by the Asian Banker Magazine during 2019. The Asian Development Bank recognised People’s Bank as the Leading Partner Bank in Sri Lanka, for its Trade Finance operations.
    • Setting the benchmark in raising funds from foreign banks, People’s Bank signed the largest ever and the longest tenor bilateral funding facility secured by any commercial bank in Sri Lanka to date. This is a clear reflection of the global recognition and confidence placed in the Bank, its governance structure, expertise and impeccable track record relating to financing complex and nationally significant projects in our Nation.
  • 2020
    • The Bank’s operates the largest digital footprint in Sri Lanka, and processed over LKR 1.0 Tn. in transactions via its digital channels.
    • Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the Bank extended unparalleled support to the Nation, customers and the general public.
    • People’s Bank successfully raised LKR 20.0 Bn. Tier II Debentures which is the highest-ever by the industry to-date. Was the only entity amongst the Top 3 and only state bank to have a positive incline in brand value.
    • Gaining both local and international acclamation, the Bank was recognized amongst the Top 1000 Banks in the World 2020, 400 largest banks in Asia, recognized as the Best Digitized Bank in Sri Lanka and as the Most Admired Company in Sri Lanka by the International Chamber of Commerce Sri Lanka and Chartered Institute of Management Sri Lanka (CIMA).
    • The People’s Bank Annual Report was accorded the Best in Sri Lanka at the International ARC Awards 2020.
  • 2021
    • Bank celebrated its 60th Anniversary with the new motto, “Pride of the Nation” as our refrain for the future.
    • People’s Wiz, has recorded the onboarding of 1.7 million customers.
    • People’s Wave, has become the country’s most downloaded banking app with over one million active users. Taking innovation to the next level, bank introduced People's Pay Wallet app
    • People’s Bank also became the first and only bank in Sri Lanka to be accredited with the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification; the highest international accreditation for information protection and security.
    • “Best Digital Bank.” and “Best Retail Bank in Sri Lanka” Asian Banker Excellence in Retail Financial Services International Awards 2021.
    • Amongst Top 10 Most Admired Companies in Sri Lanka in 2021 by CIMA, ICCSL and the Daily FT.
    • The Top 10 Women Friendly Workplaces in Sri Lanka at the first ever Women Friendly Workplace Awards (WFW) in 2021.
    • SLIM Nielsen People’s Award 2021 for being the Service Provider of the year.
    • “Best Domestic Bank in Sri Lanka” and “Best Digital Bank in Sri Lanka” at the World Finance and International Business Magazine Awards.
    • Banker Magazine ranked us amongst the world’s “Top 1000 Banks” for the fourth consecutive year.
  • 2022
    • Launched two new brands, Excelsior and Elegance, to cater to the premium market segment.
    • Introduced our CSR umbrella Brand “Mahajana Mehewara”.
    • Successfully launched Strategic Planning 2022-2024.
    • The Bank received several awards and accolades during the year from international entities, as well as Sri Lankan organisations.
      • People’s Bank was named among the World’s Top 1000 Banks by the Banker Magazine, while Asian Banker Magazine included us among the Asian Banker’s Top 500 Banks.
      • Received four awards at the International ARC Awards 2022 including two gold awards.
      • Annual Report 2021 was among the top ten Best Integrated Annual Reports at the CMA Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards 2022.
      • The Bank was a joint Bronze winners at the Public Sector Bank category in South Asian Federation of Accountants (SAFA) Awards.
      • Won the Bronze Award for the State Sector at TAGS Awards 2022. – The Bank was recognised as Sri Lanka’s most outstanding workplace for women at the WFWP Awards 2022.
      • The Bank was recognised as Sri Lanka’s most outstanding workplace for women at the WFWP Awards 2022
  • 2023
    • People’s Bank joins hands with HDFC Bank India to offer enhanced Banking services.
    • Export sector specific SME Hubs (Export Hubs) are established in seven regions from July 2023 for the purpose of strengthening the trade finance business portfolio in the domestic banking units.
    • People’s FX Future Plus Foreign Currency Fixed Deposit Account introduced in June 2023.
    • People’s Power” Loans Scheme introduced by the Bank to support and uplift the MicroFinance sector in Sri Lanka in July 2023.
    • The Bank recruited a batch of 500 new staff members in September 2023.
Our Associate & Subsidiary Companies
People's Leasing & Finance PLC - (Subsidiary)
Trade in Leasing and Hire Purchase, A subsidiary of Peoples Bank.
People's Travels Ltd - (Subsidiary)
Deals in air-tickets and organisation of tours
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Ms Roshini Wijerathna currently heads the Risk Management and Credit Control functions of the Bank, where she has served for over 32 years. Her experience in the Bank’s Treasury Division spans over 26 years, during which she has deputised the Primary Dealer Unit since 2003, and the Treasury thereafter. Since 2017, she has been actively involved in strengthening the Bank’s risk management processes, playing a key role in this area.

Being highly qualified in her chosen profession, Ms Wijerathna’s academic qualifications include a Bachelor of Science (Physical Science) with a Second Class Upper from the University of Colombo, a Master of Business Administration Finance) from the same university, and a Diploma in Treasury and Risk Management from IBSL. She has also obtained a distinction for the ACI Dealing Certificate – ACI, Financial Markets Association, and is an Associate Member of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka.

Ms Wijerathna has held leadership positions in various professional associations, having been a President and Secretary of the Association of Primary Dealers, and currently, a member of the Sri Lanka Forex Association and Association of Professional Bankers. She is also an Ex-Co member of the Association of Banking Sector Risk Professionals, and serves as a member of the Governing Board of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka.



“Ms. Aruni Liyanagunawardana serves as the Deputy General Manager of Overseas Customer Services at People’s Bank. Joining the bank in 2002 as a Management Trainee, she brings nearly 23 years of extensive expertise in key banking domains, including foreign remittance, vostro correspondent relationships, channel management/branch operations, and IT administration. With over two decades of specialization in the international remittance business and remittance systems, as well as Core Banking system, she has been instrumental in serving the bank's overseas customer segment.

Ms. Liyanagunawardana holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Osmania University, India, a Master of Science degree from the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, and a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Northampton, UK. She is also an Associate Member of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka.

Beyond her professional responsibilities, Ms. Liyanagunawardana actively contributes to the bank and the banking industry through her participation in various steering committees and professional organizations, including the Organisation of Professional Associations of Sri Lanka (OPA) and the Association of Professional Bankers (APB). ”



“Ms. Aruni Liyanagunawardana serves as the Deputy General Manager of Overseas Customer Services at People’s Bank. Joining the bank in 2002 as a Management Trainee, she brings nearly 23 years of extensive expertise in key banking domains, including foreign remittance, vostro correspondent relationships, channel management/branch operations, and IT administration. With over two decades of specialization in the international remittance business and remittance systems, as well as Core Banking system, she has been instrumental in serving the bank's overseas customer segment.

Ms. Liyanagunawardana holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Osmania University, India, a Master of Science degree from the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, and a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Northampton, UK. She is also an Associate Member of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka.

Beyond her professional responsibilities, Ms. Liyanagunawardana actively contributes to the bank and the banking industry through her participation in various steering committees and professional organizations, including the Organisation of Professional Associations of Sri Lanka (OPA) and the Association of Professional Bankers (APB). ”

Assistant General Manager - Channel Management


Tel : 0112481681 Fax : 0112473815

Assistant General Manager - Corporate Banking (Relationship II)


Tel : 0112481481 ext : 1184 Fax : 0112473340



Ms Nipunika Wijayaratne serves as the Deputy General Manager of Banking Support Services, counting over 32 years of experience in banking, having joined the Bank in 1990 as a Management Trainee.

She holds a BSc Degree in Agriculture from the University of Peradeniya and an MBA in Finance from University of Colombo. She has experience in Trade Services and Correspondent Banking and prior to joining the Bank, she served in the private sector. She is an Associate Member of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka. She is also an Executive Committee Member of International Chamber of Commerce Sri Lanka and an alternate member of the Governing Board of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka.



Ms Kumari Senaratne is an Associate Member of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka and Institute of Credit Management of Sri Lanka. She holds a Masters' Degree in Business Studies from University of Colombo and a Bachelor of Science (Special) degree in Business Administration from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. She joined People's Bank in 1987 as a Management Trainee and has gained experience in the areas of International Banking operations, Commercial Credit, Retail Banking, and Corporate Banking under various capacities. She has contributed immensely by conducting several training programmes. During her career she has also participated in various programmes both local and overseas

Head of Building Engineering Services


Tel : 0112473206Fax : 0112341591



Mr K A Nihal, who currently holds the position of Deputy General Manager – Human Resources, joined the Bank in 1994 as a Management Trainee. He counts over 28 years of experience across disciplines such as Branch Operations, Information Technology, Treasury, and Human Resources.

He holds a Bachelor of Management (Special) Second Upper Degree offered by the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. In addition, he holds the professional banking qualification, Diploma in Banking and Finance from the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka (IBSL) and he has completed the Diploma in Professional Human Recourse Management from CIPM Sri Lanka. Mr Nihal also possesses a certificate on Treasury and Foreign Exchange Operations.



Counting 26 years experience in the IT industry, Mr Dhammika Dasa serves as the Chief Information Officer (CIO) at People’s Bank. He has considerable exposure to and expertise in a diverse range of disciplines, including Strategic Management, Programme Management, Project Management, Infrastructure Technology Management, Software Development, and Implementation Exposure. Over the years, he has honed his skills across a number of domains such as Finance, Insurance, Banking, Manufacturing, Logistics, and Leisure in Sri Lanka, Australia, and New Zealand. Additionally, he possesses a comprehensive understanding of Information security implementations.

Mr Dasa obtained a BSc Degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Kelaniya. Prior to taking up his current position at the Bank, he has held multiple Senior Management positions at prominent organisations such as Aitken Spence Group, KPMG Sri Lanka, and Fiserv.



Ms Preethie Katulanda is a senior legal professional with 29 years of active practice as an Attorney-at-Law. She also holds a Master of Business Management (HRM) Degree from the University of Colombo, in addition to having successfully completed professional qualifications in Human Resource Management from the Institute of Personnel Management (IPM).

Ms Katulanda began her legal career as a legal intern at People’s Bank, and has since gained close to two decades of experience working as an individual practitioner and as a member of the corporate sector, with 17 years of service in this role. During this period, she has worked in various legal divisions and held senior positions in Finance Sector – Business Establishments that are subject to monitoring by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL).

On 1 December 2021, Ms Katulanda assumed the position of Additional Chief Law Officer, and she was subsequently promoted as the Chief Law Officer on 23 December 2022.




Mr. Kumar Gunawardana

Kumar Gunawardana was appointed to the Board of Directors of People’s Bank on 26.12.2019 as a non-executive director. He commands over 40 years of experience in diverse areas of banking. Having started his career with Commercial Bank PLC in 1979, he has moved on to Amsterdam Rotterdam Bank (Amro Bank), ABN Amro Bank and finally to National Development Bank PLC (NDB). He has served in Senior Management positions for over 20 Years having first appointed as an Assistant Vice President of ABN AMRO Bank in the year 2000. His areas of expertise is wide and varied and include Branch network management, Institutional banking, Trade finance, Operations, Administration and services. He has also served as a Member of the Board of Directors of Development Holdings (Pvt.) Ltd. which is an entity jointly owned by National Development Bank PLC (NDB) and Export Development Board (EDB) and Treasurer of Sri Lanka Tennis Association.

Assistant General Manager - Development & Micro Finance


Tel : 011248158 Fax : 0112436561
Email : gertyus@peoplesbank.lk


Mr. Jayantha Thilakarathne

Mr. Jayantha Thilakarathne is a highly accomplished legal and human resource professional with over 25 years of senior management experience in both national and multinational organizations. His expertise spans strategic HR management, legal advisory, change management, corporate culture development, and financial planning.

Mr. Thilakarathne is an Attorney at Law with an LLB and LLM from the University of Colombo and a Master’s in Public Management (HR) from the Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration (SLIDA). He is also a Chartered Member of the Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM) and holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Public Management.

Throughout his illustrious career, Mr. Thilakarathne has held several leadership positions, including Director of Human Resources at Taj Hotels, Chief HR Officer at Sri Lanka Telecom, and Group General Manager at Maliban Biscuit Manufactories. His visionary leadership has been instrumental in achieving milestones such as securing the "Great Place to Work" awards and implementing innovative HR strategies in prominent organizations.

In addition to his corporate achievements, Mr. Thilakarathne has contributed significantly to academia, serving as a visiting lecturer at leading Sri Lankan universities and actively participating in professional bodies such as CIPM and the Bar Association of Sri Lanka.


Mr. Bradley Emerson

Mr. Bradley Emerson is a seasoned professional with over four decades of expertise in banking, education, and strategic leadership. He holds an MBA from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, is a Fellow of the Institute of Bankers (SL), and has an Advanced Diploma in Management Accounting from the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (UK). He is currently pursuing a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA).

Mr. Emerson’s banking career includes pivotal roles at Commercial Bank, Nations Trust Bank, and Pan Asia Bank, where he served as Deputy CEO. Notably, he played a transformative role in Pan Asia Bank's turnaround and rebranding. He also held a senior position at Bank of Oman, Bahrain, and Kuwait, overseeing central and branch operations.

In 2007, Mr. Emerson joined CIMA-UK as Regional Director for South Asia and the Middle East, driving exponential growth in the CIMA brand across Sri Lanka and beyond. His leadership extended to the education sector as Executive Director of the Imperial Institute of Higher Education, where he introduced innovative MBA and DBA programs.

An accomplished educator, Mr. Emerson lectures in Strategic Management and International Business and is a visiting faculty member at renowned institutions across South Asia. He is also a certified systemic team coach and founder of Business Athletes Pvt Ltd.

Mr. Emerson has received numerous accolades, including the Lifetime Achievement Award (2020) and Executive Coach of the Year (2023).



Email : kumarasiri@peoplesbank.lk
Mr A S M W Kumarasiri, who counts more than 36 years banking experience, and over 20 years in international trade related service at the People’s Bank, International Banking Division, currently serves as its Deputy General Manager. He holds a Bachelor of Sciences Degree in Public Administration with a Second Class Honour from University of Sri Jayewardenepura, as well as an MBA (Finance) from the University of Colombo. He is also an Associate of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka.

He holds many prestigious positions in professional Associations relevant to his long years of specialised banking expertise in trade finance operations, including immediate past president of Trade Finance Association of Bankers (TFAB), Banking Committee member of the International Chamber of Commerce Sri Lanka, Executive Committee member of the Lanka SWIFT User Group and Ex-Co member of the Association of Professional Bankers of Sri Lanka (APB). He also serves as a Director of People’s Travels Ltd.


Dr. Ahilan Kadirgamar

Dr. Ahilan Kadirgamar brings a wealth of expertise in engineering, research, and academia to the Board of Directors of People’s Bank. Appointed in November 2024, he joins the Bank with a distinguished background that spans multiple disciplines and global experiences.

Dr. Kadirgamar holds a PhD in Anthropology from the Graduate Center, City University of New York, an MA in Economics from the New School for Social Research, and a BSc in Electrical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. His career began with over 12 years in engineering, during which he worked in Tokyo and New York, honing his skills in technological innovation and problem-solving.

Transitioning to research and academia, Dr. Kadirgamar has been involved in extensive international projects and has published widely on critical topics such as fisheries, agrarian change, co-operatives, debt restructuring, and economic alternatives. His insights into economic systems and development have positioned him as a thought leader in addressing socio-economic challenges.

In 2018, he joined the University of Jaffna as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sociology, where he has been instrumental in fostering critical thinking and interdisciplinary scholarship.

Chief Information Security Officer


Tel : 0112481326 Fax :0112444895
Email : ciso@peoplesbank.lk


Prof. Narada Fernando

Prof. P.N.D. Fernando is a seasoned academic and financial expert with an extensive career spanning over 25 years in the fields of finance, banking, and higher education. He was appointed as Chairman of People’s Bank in November 2024, bringing with him a wealth of experience in leadership, strategic planning, and financial management.

Prof. Fernando holds a PhD in Government Economics from Central China Normal University, where his research focused on market efficiency and technical trading strategies in the emerging Sri Lankan stock market. He earned his MBA from the West Bengal University of Technology through a prestigious Colombo Plan scholarship and completed his undergraduate studies in Business Management (Accountancy) at the University of Kelaniya.

As an educator, Prof. Fernando has made a profound impact on the academic landscape of Sri Lanka. With over 27 years of teaching experience, he has held numerous key positions, including Professor and Head of the Department of Finance, and served as Dean of the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies at the University of Kelaniya. Under his leadership, the faculty achieved significant milestones, including securing World Bank AHEAD grants, ISO 21001 certification for the MBA program, and establishing innovative programs like the Central Business Incubator.

Prof. Fernando has also played a pivotal role as a consultant, evaluator, and resource person for national financial institutions, such as the Colombo Stock Exchange and the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka. His scholarly contributions include numerous research publications in reputed journals, with a focus on market behavior and investment strategies.



Having joined People’s Bank as a Management Trainee in 1994, Mr Wickrama Narayana has amassed more than 28 years experience in various aspects of banking such as Branch Banking, Corporate and Offshore Banking, as well as strategic planning. His expertise in SME lending with specialised focus on small business lending, project finance, entrepreneurship development, business revival, and rehabilitation, spans over 12 years. At present, he leads Enterprise Banking in People’s Bank, where he applies his expertise across Commercial Credit, SME, Development Finance, Microfinance, Commercial Banking, and Business Revival.

Mr Narayana obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, followed by an MBA in Banking and Finance from the Postgraduate Institute of Management University of Sri Jayewardenepura, and an MSc Degree in Management from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Additionally, he is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka. Prior to his tenure at the Bank, Mr Narayana served in various private sector manufacturing companies. He currently lectures at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, the University of Colombo, the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka, and the Center for Banking Studies at the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL).



Ms Nilmini Premalal, who functions as Deputy General Manager – Payment, Process Management and Quality Assurance, joined People’s Bank in 2002 as a Management Trainee. She counts about 20 years of experience within the Bank, serving in the Finance & Management Accounting Department for over 18 years, and then moving on to the Strategic Planning, Performance Management and Research Department for a two-year period.

While serving as Deputy Head of Finance, Ms Premalal implemented several specialised initiatives which made a significant contribution to the Bank’s overall performance. As Assistant General Manager, she played a key role in creating and developing the Bank’s strategic plan, covering the areas of Strategic Planning, Performance Management, and Research Department.

Ms Premalal holds a BSc Business Administration (Special) Degree with Second Class Upper Division from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, and an MBA from the University of Kelaniya. She is a Fellow Member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (FCA), a Certified Management Accountant of Sri Lanka (FCMA), and an Associate Member of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka (IBSL). She has also contributed her knowledge to the banking community through visiting lectures and evaluating examinations at the IBSL Sri Lanka. She is a member of the Association of Professional Bankers Sri Lanka and has partly completed the CIMA (UK).

Ms Premalal currently serves as a Director on the Board of People’s Micro Commerce Ltd. and she previously served as a Director on the Board of People’s Merchant Bank and concurrently held the position of Chairman of the Board Audit Committee at People’s Merchant Bank.

Chief Digital Officer


Tel : 0112481326 Fax : 0112327734


Mr. Bradley Emerson

Mr. Bradley Emerson is a seasoned professional with over four decades of expertise in banking, education, and strategic leadership. He holds an MBA from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, is a Fellow of the Institute of Bankers (SL), and has an Advanced Diploma in Management Accounting from the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (UK). He is currently pursuing a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA).

Mr. Emerson’s banking career includes pivotal roles at Commercial Bank, Nations Trust Bank, and Pan Asia Bank, where he served as Deputy CEO. Notably, he played a transformative role in Pan Asia Bank's turnaround and rebranding. He also held a senior position at Bank of Oman, Bahrain, and Kuwait, overseeing central and branch operations.

In 2007, Mr. Emerson joined CIMA-UK as Regional Director for South Asia and the Middle East, driving exponential growth in the CIMA brand across Sri Lanka and beyond. His leadership extended to the education sector as Executive Director of the Imperial Institute of Higher Education, where he introduced innovative MBA and DBA programs.

An accomplished educator, Mr. Emerson lectures in Strategic Management and International Business and is a visiting faculty member at renowned institutions across South Asia. He is also a certified systemic team coach and founder of Business Athletes Pvt Ltd.

Mr. Emerson has received numerous accolades, including the Lifetime Achievement Award (2020) and Executive Coach of the Year (2023).



Ms. Samanthi Senanayake is a Legal Professional with 30 years of experience as an Attorney-at-Law. She also holds a Master of Law (LL.M) from University of Delhi, India. In addition, she has successfully completed professional qualifications in Compliance Aspects and has been awarded with International Diploma in Compliance by the International Compliance Association in collaboration with University of Manchester.

Ms. Senanayake began her legal career as a Legal Intern at People’s Bank and has since gained more than 3 decades of experience working as an Individual Practitioner and as a member of the Corporate Sector. She joined People’s Bank in 2001 as an Assistant Law Officer and carried out her duties as a Law Officer for 9 years.

On 03 March 2009, Ms. Senanayake assumed the position of Compliance Officer of the Bank and she was subsequently promoted as the Deputy General Manager – Compliance on 28 April 2023.

Presently, Ms. Senanayake serves as the President of Association of Compliance Officers of Banks – Sri Lanka. She also holds the positions of Compliance Officer of the Bank to Credit Information Bureau of Sri Lanka (CRIB) and a member of the Information Committee established under the Right to Information Act. She further acts as the Alternate Directress of CRIB and the Chairperson of the Advisory Committee of CRIB.


Mr. Isuru Balapatabendi

Mr Isuru Balapatabendi is an Attorneyat-Law and currently operates a Law Chamber in the practice of Civil and Commercial Law. He also holds a LLM from the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

Mr Balapatabendi served as a State Counsel in the Attorney General’s Department, prior to being appointed a Diplomat to the Embassy of Sri Lanka in The Hague, The Netherlands from 2008 to 2010, during which he served as the representative of Sri Lanka, to the organisation for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the Hague Convention of Private International Law (HCCH). He was also appointed as the Head of Chancery at the Sri Lankan Mission in The Hague. He was appointed as the Legal Advisor to the Minister of Investment Promotions in 2012, for legal matters relating to investment laws in Sri Lanka and Board of Investment. Mr Balapatabendi has also served in the Director Boards of Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation, Seylan Bank, and Bank of Ceylon, prior to being appointed to the People’s Bank Board. He also served in the Director Boards of Sri Lanka Ports Authority and Colombo West International Terminal (Pvt) Ltd. He is currently the Chairman of People’s Insurance PLC and serves as a Director of Celio Naturals (Pvt) Ltd. as well.

He has served as an Executive Committee Member of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka. He was appointed the Chairman of the Junior National Law Conference in 2007 and as the Convener of the National Law Conference 2020. Mr Balapatabendi was also elected as the Secretary of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka for the year 2022/23 and also for the year 2023/24.

Assistant General Manager - Audit


Tel : 0112554537 Fax : 0112554563
Email : anomam@peoplesbank.lk


Mr.Keerthi Goonatillake

Mr. Keerthi Goonatillake obtained his Bachelor of Science Degree at University of Colombo and Specialized Computer Hardware Engineering at Cybernetics Department at University of Reading, UK. He has over three decades of extensive experience in Information Technology, Digital Forensics, Infrastructure Consultancy, Project Management and Human Resource Development. With a range of internationally recognized professional qualifications that cover Mobile Phone Forensics, Network Investigation, Data Recovery and Analysis at National Policing Improvement Agency UK, Multimedia Communications Engineering KDDI Corporation Japan, Multimedia Systems Development at Overseas Technical Scholarship, Japan, NEC Mainframe Computer Maintenance NEC Japan, Mechatronic Systems Technology, Singapore. Mr. Goonatillake has played a key role as a Consultant / TEC Member and adviser in projects of national interest that includes; eNIC Project of the Ministry of Defense, Public Transport Bus Tracking System of Ministry of Transport, Sri Lanka Internet Project of University of Moratuwa. Mr. Keerthi Goonatillake has served as an International Advisory Panel Member in International Conference on Cybercrime Forensics and Education Organized by Canterbury Christ Church University, UK and has held the positions of Consultant, Coordinator, Computer Programmer, Computer Instructor, Technical Research Assistant, Committee Member, Board Member, Energy Manager, Indirect Counterpart and Local Counterpart in various professional committees of University of Colombo. He is a Professional Member of the Computer Society of Sri Lanka since 1991. He was the Founder of the Digital Forensics Centre and the Initiator of the Engineering Division of the University of Colombo School of Computing (UCSC), and also Founder Member of the Institute of Computer Technology and University of Colombo School of Computing since its inception.He has been awarded many times in recognition for his dedicated services rendered to the University of Colombo over a period of three decades.

Assistant General Manager - Corporate Banking(RELATIONSHIP I)


Tel : 0112473568 Fax : 0112473340
Email :champ@peoplesbank.lk

සහකාර සාමාන්‍යාධිකාරී - මුල්‍ය

ඒ.ජී.ජයසේන මහත්මිය

Tel : 0112481405 Fax : 0112436598
Email : gayathri@peoplesbank.lk



Mr. Ahamed Anzar commenced his career with the Bank in 1993 as a Staff Assistant, gaining over 30 years of experience in the field of Branch banking, Regional management, Marketing, Channel management, Credit Review and Recoveries. He has displayed commendable skills in Channel Management and Marketing as well.

Mr. Anzar holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physical Science with a First Class Honors from the Eastern University of Sri Lanka and also is an Associate Member of Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka. Further he functioned as an Assistant Lecturer of University of Kelaniya and University of Peradeniya before joining the Bank. He also participated as Guest Lecturer of South Eastern University of Sri Lanka for the Final year students on Banking and Finance. In addition to the above he has undergone many overseas exposure programs in India, Japan, Malaysia and UAE.

Assistant General Manager - Process Management and Quality Assurance


Tel : 0112481348 Fax : 011-2436557

Assistant General Manager - Finance


Tel : 0112481405 Fax : 0112436598



Mr Mahinda Dissanayake, possessing over 30 years of experience in Branch Banking and Internal Auditing, serves as the Chief Internal Auditor at People’s Bank at present. He is a Fellow Member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (FCA) and an Associate Member of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka (AIB).
In addition, he holds an MBA from the University of Colombo and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Public Administration (General) from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Furthermore, he has obtained a Diploma in Information Systems, Security Control, and Audit from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka, awarded with technical collaboration from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

Assistant General Manager - Audit


Tel : 0112504248
Email : srig@peoplesbank.lk

Assistant General Manager - Investgation & Inquiries


Tel : 0112481507 Fax : 0112334095
Email : agmi&i@peoplesbank.lk

Assistant General Manager - Commercial Banking


Tel : 0112334271 Fax : 0112473341


Mr. Isuru Balapatabendi

Mr Isuru Balapatabendi is an Attorneyat-Law and currently operates a Law Chamber in the practice of Civil and Commercial Law. He also holds a LLM from the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

Mr Balapatabendi served as a State Counsel in the Attorney General’s Department, prior to being appointed a Diplomat to the Embassy of Sri Lanka in The Hague, The Netherlands from 2008 to 2010, during which he served as the representative of Sri Lanka, to the organisation for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the Hague Convention of Private International Law (HCCH). He was also appointed as the Head of Chancery at the Sri Lankan Mission in The Hague. He was appointed as the Legal Advisor to the Minister of Investment Promotions in 2012, for legal matters relating to investment laws in Sri Lanka and Board of Investment. Mr Balapatabendi has also served in the Director Boards of Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation, Seylan Bank, and Bank of Ceylon, prior to being appointed to the People’s Bank Board. He also served in the Director Boards of Sri Lanka Ports Authority and Colombo West International Terminal (Pvt) Ltd. He is currently the Chairman of People’s Insurance PLC and serves as a Director of Celio Naturals (Pvt) Ltd. as well.

He has served as an Executive Committee Member of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka. He was appointed the Chairman of the Junior National Law Conference in 2007 and as the Convener of the National Law Conference 2020. Mr Balapatabendi was also elected as the Secretary of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka for the year 2022/23 and also for the year 2023/24.



Mr Chandrakumara commenced his career at People’s Bank as a Management Trainee in 1994, accumulating more than 29 years of experience in the banking industry. He currently serves as the Deputy General Manager (Retail Banking).

During the course of his career, he has participated in various exposure programmes, both locally as well as internationally, acquiring extensive knowledge in business banking management practices at various management-level capacities. From 2018 to the end of 2020, Mr Chandrakumara held the position of Assistant General Manager (Banking Support Services), overseeing six departments: Supplies, Transport, Security, Maintenance Engineering, Building Engineering, and Desktop Publishing. During this period, he gained invaluable experience in procurement, construction and maintenance, stores and inventory control, in addition to transport and security procedures. From 2020 to 2023, he acted as Assistant General Manager (IT Administration and Business Support) and Assistant General Manager (Channel Management Department), where he gained significant exposure in implementing the 5S system to the Branch Network and CEFT operations.

Mr Chandrakumara holds a SecondClass Upper Division Degree in BCom (Special) from the University of Kelaniya and an International Diploma in Supply Chain Management (International Trade Centre/WTO (UNCTAD), Geneva, Switzerland). He is an Associate Member of the Institute of Certified Management Accountants of Australia (CMA), a Licentiate of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (LICA), a member of the Accounting Technicians of Sri Lanka (MAAT), and the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka (AIB). Additionally, he is a Corporate Member of the Institute of Supplies and Materials Management of Sri Lanka (MISMM).

Mr Chandrakumara has been in charge of the Service Delivery Channels, which includes 743 regulatory units of the Branch Network comprising ATMs, CDMs, CRMs, and KIOSKs since December 2022.




Mr. Kodituwakku is a veteran banker, serving as the Chief Executive Officer/General Manager of People’s Bank since June 2020. He joined the bank in 1982 and has nearly four decades of multi-faceted experience in local as well as cross border operations. He is a key figure in driving the bank towards digitalization on mapping business requirements to a digital platform by adopting best practices in the industry and re-engineering business processes for which the bank was awarded many prestigious awards/recognitions both internationally and locally. He was also bestowed upon “Sri Lanka Innovation Leadership Awards 2020” – awarded by World Innovation Congress, for his innovative role played in transforming the bank from a conventional set up to contemporary set up through digitalization. Further he has been named as Banking CEO of the year Sri Lanka 2021 by the well known International Business Magazine. He also serves as the Chairperson of Financial Ombudsman Sri Lanka (Guarantee) Ltd and Director of People’s Leasing & Finance PLC, People’s Insurance PLC, People’s Merchant Finance PLC, People’s Travels Ltd., Lankan Alliance Finance Ltd. Bangladesh, , Credit Information Bureau of Sri Lanka, Lanka Clear (Pvt) Ltd., National Payments Council, Sri Lanka Banks’ Association (Guarantee) Ltd, Lanka Financial Services Bureau and Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka. Mr. Kodituwakku holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration specialized in Finance from the University of Colombo, Bachelor of Laws (Honours) from the University of New Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom and is an Associate Member of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka and a Certified Member of Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing.



Mr. Naleen Pathiranage presently functions as the Deputy General Manager – Channel Management of People’s Bank. Prior to his appointment as the Deputy General Manager, he served as Deputy General Manager – Retail Banking and Assistant General Manager Liability Products in which capacity he oversaw key functions related to maintaining the Bank’s deposit portfolio and expedition of liability products. Mr.Pathiranage counts over 24 years of experience & deep-rooted knowledge in banking operations having served both state and private commercial banks and out of which his tenure in the People’s Bank spans over 22 years where he joined the Bank as a Management Trainee in 2002.

At People’s Bank, he has since served in multiple functional areas and disciplines in varying capacities covering Branch Banking and Products/Portfolio Management. He has over 05 years of experience as the Regional Manager in Matale and Gampaha region where he contributed immensely to the business propulsion of the Bank innovatively and productively.

As the Assistant General Manager – Retail Banking, he played a pivotal role in shaping the Bank’s overall deposit portfolio through various deposit mobilization campaigns and more notably helping it navigate through the deposit exigencies of the Bank.

Mr. Pathiranage holds a BSc Honors degree with a second class upper division from the University of Colombo and MBA (Marketing) from the University of Bedfordshire, UK. He is an Associate Member of Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka.

With extensive training / exposure gained on the subject matter of his specialty, Mr.Pathiranage makes special contribution as a Trainer cum Motivator/ Resource Person to the Bank in various training programs to formulate proactive and dynamic business promotional work force for the Bank.


Mr. Manjula Wellalage

Mr Manjula Wellalage is an Attorneyat-Law who has been in practice at the Private Bar for nearly two decades. Prior to becoming an Attorney-atLaw, he served as the Resource and Research Officer in charge of the Community Based Legal Aid Project which was spearheaded by the Ministry of Justice. He has also discharged his duties in the capacity of Resource Officer to the Resource, Research and Information Centre (Constitution Affairs) of the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs. During his illustrious legal career, Mr Wellalage has organised numerous projects and programmes on constitutional reform as well as raising community legal awareness whilst intervening to resolve critical legal issues at national level on behalf of the Ministry of Justice.

Assistant General Manager - Investment Banking


Tel : 0112206795 Fax : 0112458842
Email : lakmal@peoplesbank.lk



Mr.Dissanayake currently serving as Deputy General Manager - Human Resources at People's Bank, brings over 33 years of extensive experience and profound knowledge in the realm of banking operations.

Since joining the Bank in 1990, he has served across multiple functional domains, including Branch Banking, Information Technology and Human Resources. His career trajectory at branch network of People's Bank showcases progressive roles, beginning as a Branch Manager to Regional Manager and subsequently culminating in executive positions of Assistant General Manager and Deputy General Manager at head office level. Mr. Dissanayake assumed the role of Deputy General Manager - Human Resources in May 2024, following his tenure as Assistant General Manager (Human Resources), during which he oversaw comprehensive human resources administration functions within the organization.

His professional background is adorned with notable qualifications, including a Masters of Human Resources Management (MAHRM) from Northampton University, a Masters of Business Administration in Marketing (MBA) from the University of Bedfordshire and a Masters of Science in Service Management (MSc) from the University of Colombo. Additionally, He is an Associate Member of Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka.

Assistant General Manager - Audit


Tel : 0112055840 Fax : 0112504570



Tel : 0112473568 Fax : 0112473340



“Ms. Aruni Liyanagunawardana serves as the Deputy General Manager of Overseas Customer Services at People’s Bank. Joining the bank in 2002 as a Management Trainee, she brings nearly 23 years of extensive expertise in key banking domains, including foreign remittance, vostro correspondent relationships, channel management/branch operations, and IT administration. With over two decades of specialization in the international remittance business and remittance systems, as well as Core Banking system, she has been instrumental in serving the bank's overseas customer segment.

Ms. Liyanagunawardana holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Osmania University, India, a Master of Science degree from the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, and a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Northampton, UK. She is also an Associate Member of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka.

Beyond her professional responsibilities, Ms. Liyanagunawardana actively contributes to the bank and the banking industry through her participation in various steering committees and professional organizations, including the Organisation of Professional Associations of Sri Lanka (OPA) and the Association of Professional Bankers (APB). ”

Assistant General Manager - Small and Medium Enterprises


Tel : 0112481528 Fax : 0112436561


Mr. Dushan Soza

Dushan Soza is a highly accomplished professional with a diverse background in the BPO industry, banking sector, and community service. He served as the Managing Director of WNS Global Services Sri Lanka for 15 years, successfully building the business from scratch to over Rs 1 billion in revenue, serving marquee global customers. As a founding member of SLASSCOM, he played a vital role in shaping the IT/BPO industry in Sri Lanka.

Dushan has also served on the board of Softlogic Finance, chairing the IT and Risk committees. Currently, he runs BPMOne, a company specializing in transformation and process reengineering. His key skills in banking include core banking, workflows, FinTechs, and digital technologies. He has also made contributions in consumer affairs, serving on the Consumer Affairs Board.

Additionally, Dushan holds board positions in Phoenix Pvt Ltd and PrintCare Digital, and he advises the Port City Economic Commission. He is a dedicated member of the Rotary community, serving as the District Governor for Sri Lanka and Maldives and as a member of the Strategic Committee at Rotary International.

Assistant General Manager - Finance


Tel : 0112481405 Fax : 0112436598


Dr. Ahilan Kadirgamar

Dr. Ahilan Kadirgamar brings a wealth of expertise in engineering, research, and academia to the Board of Directors of People’s Bank. Appointed in November 2024, he joins the Bank with a distinguished background that spans multiple disciplines and global experiences.

Dr. Kadirgamar holds a PhD in Anthropology from the Graduate Center, City University of New York, an MA in Economics from the New School for Social Research, and a BSc in Electrical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. His career began with over 12 years in engineering, during which he worked in Tokyo and New York, honing his skills in technological innovation and problem-solving.

Transitioning to research and academia, Dr. Kadirgamar has been involved in extensive international projects and has published widely on critical topics such as fisheries, agrarian change, co-operatives, debt restructuring, and economic alternatives. His insights into economic systems and development have positioned him as a thought leader in addressing socio-economic challenges.

In 2018, he joined the University of Jaffna as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sociology, where he has been instrumental in fostering critical thinking and interdisciplinary scholarship.

Assistant General Manager - Human Resources Development


Tel : 0112554587 Fax : 0112554563

Assistant General Manager - Strategic Planning, Performance Management & Research


Tel : 0112481684 Fax : 0112441539

Assistant General Manager - Retail Banking (Liability Products)


Tel : 0112206749 Fax : 0112446410

Assistant General Manager - Channel Management


Tel : 0112481625 Fax : 0112451329



Ms Shameela Loku Kaluge commenced her career with the Bank in 2002 as a Management Trainee, gaining over 20 years of experience in the Bank’s Treasury Unit. She has ascended rapidly to her current position as the DGM of the Treasury, Investment Banking, and Financial Institutions functions of the Bank. Through 2011 and 2022, Ms Loku Kaluge deputised in several areas of the Treasury functions, including the Primary Dealer Unit (PDU), and since 2017, she has been overseeing the overall functions of the Treasury and PDU.

She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biological Science with a Second Class Upper from the University of Kelaniya, a Master of Science in Computer Science from the University of Colombo, and an MBA (Finance) with distinction from Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK. Additionally, she holds a Diploma in Treasury, Investment, and Risk Management from the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka (IBSL). She has also achieved a distinction in the ACI Dealing Certificate and is an Associate Member of the IBSL.

Ms Loku Kaluge was appointed as a Director of the Association of Primary Dealers (APD) in 2017 and currently serves as the Secretary of APD. She also serves as a member of the Sri Lanka Forex Association and the Association of Professional Bankers.

Deputy Chief LAW Officer


Tel : 0112481679 Fax : 0112451393

Deputy Chief LAW Officer


Tel : 0112481796 Fax : 0112451393



Thushari Hewawasam currently Heads the International Banking Division of the Bank. Having joined People’s Bank as a Management Trainee in 2002, Thushari Hewawasam has accumulated more than 21 years of experience in various aspects of banking such as Credit, Branch Banking, Corporate Banking, as well as International Banking. Her expertise in Corporate and Business lending spans over 20 years.

Thushari Hewawasam obtained a Bachelor of Science Special Degree in Agriculture from the University of Peradeniya, followed by an MBA from Open University of Sri Lanka. Additionally, she is an Associate Member of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka.

She has several high profile professional memberships, including Associate member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) (UK), and Associate member of the Chartered Global Management Accountants (CGMA) (UK).

Ms Hewawasam holds many prestigious positions in various professional associations, such as a council member of the Association of Professional Bankers and a banking committee member of the International Chamber of Commerce Sri Lanka.

Assistant General Manager - Secretary to The Board


Tel : 0112481500 / 0112436562 Fax : 0112434550

Assistant General Manager - Credit Review


Tel : 0112303411 Fax : 0112303412
Email :chandrikawk@peoplesbank.lk


Mr. Jayantha Thilakarathne

Mr. Jayantha Thilakarathne is a highly accomplished legal and human resource professional with over 25 years of senior management experience in both national and multinational organizations. His expertise spans strategic HR management, legal advisory, change management, corporate culture development, and financial planning.

Mr. Thilakarathne is an Attorney at Law with an LLB and LLM from the University of Colombo and a Master’s in Public Management (HR) from the Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration (SLIDA). He is also a Chartered Member of the Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM) and holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Public Management.

Throughout his illustrious career, Mr. Thilakarathne has held several leadership positions, including Director of Human Resources at Taj Hotels, Chief HR Officer at Sri Lanka Telecom, and Group General Manager at Maliban Biscuit Manufactories. His visionary leadership has been instrumental in achieving milestones such as securing the "Great Place to Work" awards and implementing innovative HR strategies in prominent organizations.

In addition to his corporate achievements, Mr. Thilakarathne has contributed significantly to academia, serving as a visiting lecturer at leading Sri Lankan universities and actively participating in professional bodies such as CIPM and the Bar Association of Sri Lanka.




Mr K.B. Rajapakse is the Senior Deputy General Manager to the payment and Digitalisation of the Bank. He joined the Bank in 1987 as a Management Trainee and counts over 33 years of experience in People’s Bank. He has gained extensive exposure in various management level capacities in the branch network of the Bank and Corporate Banking Division. At present he oversees the Bank’s main deposit portfolio and retail loan book which accounts for over 40% to the total portfolio. He has 12 years of experience in Corporate and Executive Management positions. He holds a Second Class Honours Degree (BSc) in Public Administration from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura and has a Master's Degree in Management and IT from the University of Kelaniya. He is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka, an Attorney at Law of Sri Lanka and holds a Diploma in Institute of Credit Management of Sri Lanka. Mr Rajapakse has served as a member of the Governing Board of Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka, a Director of Regional Development Bank and also served as an Alternate Director of Credit Information Bureau of Sri Lanka up to May 2019. At present, he is the Vice President of the Association of Professional Bankers of Sri Lanka (APB).

Assistant General Manager - Audit


Tel : 0112504269 Fax : 0112504351
Email :mdissa@peoplesbank.lk

Head Of Project Management Office


Tel : 0112044220 Fax : 0112436954



With over 28 years of experience in Human Resources, Legal and Administration in the banking sector, Mr Rohan Pathirage is a highly qualified and accomplished professional. He holds a Master’s Degree in Banking from Massey University, New Zealand, as well as a Postgraduate Diploma in Banking. In addition, he is an Attorneyat-Law, holding a Law Degree from the University of Colombo. He has served as a senior member of People’s Bank Corporate Management team, and has been a member of key management committees.

Mr Pathirage currently holds the position of Senior Deputy General Manager – Overseas Customer Services of People’s Bank. He also serves as Director of People’s Leasing & Finance PLC, Chairman of People’s Leasing.

Havelock Properties Limited, Director of People’s Leasing Fleet Management Ltd., Director of People’s Micro Commerce Limited, Director of Lankan Alliance Finance Limited, Bangladesh, Director of People’s Travels (Pvt) Ltd., and Alternate Director of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka.

In his previous role as Senior Deputy General Manager (Human Resources and Legal) of People’s Bank, Mr Pathirage successfully managed the Bank’s workforce of over 10,000 employees and oversaw senior executive recruitments in line with the Bank’s HR requirements. He also led the Bank’s legal team of 70 members and functioned as Deputy General Manager – Secretary to the Board of Directors of People’s Bank. His administrative support has been invaluable to all matters relating to the Bank’s Board of Directors and its various subcommittees.



Email :ganga@peoplesbank.lk
Having commenced her career with People’s Bank in 1990 as a Management Trainee, Ms Ganga Senanayake counts more than 32 years of experience in the banking industry. During this period, she has held several key positions in the Branch Banking Services, including Branch Manager, Regional Manager, and Assistant General Manager. Currently, she serves as the Deputy General Manager of the Recoveries Department.

Ms Senanayake obtained a Second Class Upper Division Special Degree in BSc Agriculture from the University of Peradeniya. She is an Associate Member of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka. She has also acquired extensive knowledge and experience in the fields of Debt Recovery and Credit Administration, and has been appointed as a resource person for many “Knowledge Enhancement” programmes organised by the Staff Training College of the Bank.

Prior to joining the Bank, Ms Senanayake worked as an assistant lecturer on a probationary basis in the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Peradeniya. As an innovative thinker, she has made significant contributions to numerous successful initiatives aimed at achieving the Bank’s strategic objectives, including the Network Rationalisation project in 2021/22.

Assistant General Manager - Overseas Customer Services


Tel : 0112438082 Fax : 0112326428



Nalaka is a marketing specialist with over 30 years of experience in the banking sector in Sri Lanka and Canada. During his banking career, he has specialised in areas such as Strategic Marketing Planning, Brand Management, Corporate Image Building, Credit Card Marketing, and Business Banking Product Management.

Prior to joining People’s Bank, he held key positions such as Deputy General Manager - Marketing & Personal Banking at Pan Asia Banking Corporation, Chief Marketing Officer at Pan Asia Banking Corporation and Product Manager for Cash Management Services at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) in Toronto. He has also previously worked as a Senior Marketing Officer at Sampath Bank PLC. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (FCIM) UK.

Assistant General Manager - Human Resources


Tel : 0112481610 Fax : 0112387290

Head of Cards


Tel : 0112490419 Fax : 0112169029



A veteran in the industry, Mr. Fonseka, is a Fellow of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka and holds an MBA from the Postgraduate Institute of Management at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. He has been awarded a Distinction for the ACI Dealing Certificate and has accumulated over 29 years of experience in the field of Treasury Management. Furthermore, he is a Certified Member (CMA) of the Institute of Certified Management Accountants of Australia.

During the period spanning from 2018 to 2020, Mr. Fonseka assumed the role of President of the Association of Primary Dealers, in addition to holding membership in several committees, including the National Payment Council, Financial System Stability Consultative Committee, and the task force dedicated to studying and designing new alternative benchmark interest rates. Additionally, he held membership in the Market Working Group on Domestic Financial Market Infrastructure Development Project of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL). Presently, he serves as a Non-Independent Non-Executive Director at People’s Leasing & Finance PLC, People’s Leasing Property Development Limited and LankaPay (Pvt) Limited. Credit Information Bureau of Sri Lanka, National Payment Council, Sri Lanka Banks’ Association (Guarantee) Ltd., Financial Ombudsman Sri Lanka (guarantee) Ltd., Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka and Lanka Financial Services Bureau Limited. Prior to his current appointments, he acted as Chief Examiner for the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka’s IABF/DABF Examinations.

In 2002, Mr. Fonseka commenced his tenure at People’s Bank, and since November 2011, he has been a member of the Bank’s Senior Corporate Management team as Deputy General Manager. In this role, he oversaw the Foreign Exchange operations, activities of the Primary Dealer Unit, Investment Banking Unit, and USD and LKR Money Market operations, in addition to managing relationships with local and foreign commercial banks and financial institutions. Prior to joining People’s Bank, he held senior positions at American Express Bank and Standard Chartered Bank.

Mr. Fonseka was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer/General Manager of People’s Bank with effect from 1st of August 2023.



Mr Premanath joined People’s Bank as a Management Trainee in 1987 and counts nearly 33 years of service. He holds a Second Class Upper Degree in BCom from the University of Colombo and AIB-Intermediate Sri Lanka. Since 2011 he holds the position of Deputy General Manager (Channel Management Department) and is in charge of seven departments covering Banking Support Services, Supplies, Transport, Security, Maintenance Engineering, Building Engineering, and Desk Top Publishing where he has gained immense experience in procurement, construction and maintenance, stores and inventory control, transport and security procedure. During his banking career, he has participated in various exposure programmes both locally and internationally and has vast knowledge in managing business banking.

Head Of Application Systems


Tel : 0112044210 Fax : 0112436954

Assistant General Manager - Development & Micro Finance


Tel :0711081936 Fax :0112 330083

Assistant General Manager - Recoveries


Tel : 011-2481613 011-2334281 Fax :011-2324958

Assistant General Manager - Zonal Credit 1


Tel :011-2327847/8 Fax :011-2336873

Assistant General Manager - Channel Management


Tel : 0112481388 Fax : 0112445053

Assistant General Manager - Business Revival & Rehabilitation


Tel :0112481622 Fax :0112335303



Mr Lionel Galagedara is in-charge of the Recoveries Department of the Bank. He joined the Bank as a Management Trainee and counts over 33 years of service at the Bank. His variety of experience covers the areas of Channel Management, Retail Banking, Corporate Banking, Project Financing, Credit Administration and Recoveries. He holds a BCom (Special) Degree from University of Sri Jayewardenepura and an (LLB) Degree from the Open University of Sri Lanka. He is also an Associate Member of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka and an Attorney-at-Law.


Mr. Udeni Samararatne

Udeni. K. Samarararatne is an experienced senior finance professional with a career spanning over 35 years. He has worked in senior finance positions in quoted companies such as Sri Lanka Telecom PLC. which is one of Sri Lanka’s largest companies where he worked as the Chief Financial Officer. He has also worked at leading local companies such as Lanka Ashok Leyland PLC., Kelani Tyres PLC. , ACME PLC., Richard Pieris PLC. and multinational companies such as Noritake of Japan one of the world’s largest porcelain ware manufacturers, Ferrero of Luxembourg one of the world’s largest chocolate manufacturers, CEAT of India which is in a joint venture agreement for producing tyres with Kelani Tyres PLC of Sri Lanka.

He is qualified in ACCA U.K and CIMA U.K. He also holds an MBA from the Swiss Business School in Zurich Switzerland, a Higher Diploma in International Relations from the Bandaranaike Centre for International Studies and a Diploma in Professional Diplomacy and World Affairs from the Bandaranaike International Diplomatic Training Institute. He also holds a Master’s qualification from the Colombo University in Financial Economics.

Assistant General Manager - ZONAL CREDIT 2


Tel :091-2121164 Fax : 091-2232230



Mr. Anura Perera at present functions in the capacity of the Deputy General Manager (DGM) - Risk Management of the Bank. Having Joined the Bank in 1991, prior to his appointment as the DGM-Risk Management, he has served in the capacities of Manager - Treasury Operations, Senior Manager - Risk Management, Regional Manager and Assistant General Manager - Risk Management & Credit Control.

In a career spanning more than 32 years, Mr. Perera has had extensive exposure and experience in the fields of Branch Banking, Treasury Operations, Risk Management and Credit Control.

Mr. Perera holds a Bachelor of Business Management degree from the University of Kelaniya and a Master of Business Studies from the University of Colombo. In terms of professional qualifications, he possesses ACI-Operations Certificate with a Distinction pass from Financial Markets Association-Paris to his credit. Mr. Perera is also an Associate Member of Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka.

Mr. Perera functions as an Executive Committee Member of the Association of Banking Sector Risk Professionals and as a Member of Sri Lanka Forex Association and a Member of Association of Professional Bankers (APB) Sri Lanka.



Mr Ahamat joined People’s Bank on 3 January 2017, bringing with him a wealth of experience spanning nearly two decades in strategic financial management, alternate investments, and risk management, having served in prestigious institutions both locally and internationally. He has worked with some of the largest multinational professional service firms and Tier I service providers across a multitude of sectors and market spaces.

Mr Ahamat holds several high profile professional memberships, including Fellow membership of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (UK), Fellow Membership of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK), a Fellow Membership of the Institute of Certified Management Accountants of Sri Lanka and is also a Certified Practicing Accountant (AUST.).

Mr Ahamat functions as a Director of People’s Leasing & Finance PLC, People’s Insurance PLC and Lankan Alliance Finance Limited, Bangladesh.

Head of Infrastructure & Operations


Tel : 0112044175



Tel : 0112473568 Fax : 0112473340



Tel : 0112473568 Fax : 0112473340

Assistant General Manager - Retail Banking (Assets Products)


Tel : 0112481681 Fax : 0112473815

Assistant General Manager - Banking Support Services


Tel : 0112481708 Fax : 0112325078



Ms Krishani Narangoda joined the People’s Bank in 1987 as a Management Trainee and counts over 33 years of service in the Bank.She covered the areas of Branch Banking, Overseas Customer Services, Offshore Banking and Corporate Banking under various management capacities and presently serves as Deputy General Manager and covers the areas of SME, Development Finance and Microfinance. She holds an Honours Degree (BSc Business Administration with Second Class Upper Division) from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura and Master’s Degree in Business Studies from the Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Colombo. She is also an Associate Member of Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka and Institute of Credit Management of Sri Lanka. She obtained an Advanced Certificate in Customer Relationship Management from the Postgraduate Institute of Management at University of Sri Jayewardenepura. During her banking career she has participated in various banking/ management programmes both locally and internationally. She is a Council Member of Association of Professional Bankers of Sri Lanka and registered as an examiner of Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka. She was elected as the President of People’s Bank Officers’ Association for the year 2019/20.



Mr. T.G.S.P. Kumarasiri currently serves as the Deputy General Manager - Banking Support Services. Prior to this role, he served as an Assistant General Manager (Actg) since 2017, overseeing areas such as Marketing, Process Management & Quality Assurance, People’s Card Centre and Recoveries. He also managed Maintenance Engineering, Building Engineering, Supplies, Security, Transport, and Printing Services Departments as Assistant General Manager (Actg) - Banking Support Services from 2020 and promoted to Assistant General Manager - Banking Support Services from November 2022.

Mr. T.G.S.P. Kumarasiri began his career in the Bank in 1994 as a Management Trainee and has over 30 years of experience, holding various managerial roles, including Branch Manager, Assistant Regional Manager, and Regional Manager, before his appointment as the Assistant General Manager.

He holds a BSc (First Class) Degree from the University of Sri Jayawardenapura and an MBA from the University of Rajarata. He is also an Associate Member of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka (AIB).

Assistant General Manager - Investigation & Inquires


Tel : 0112481507 Fax : 0112334095

Assistant General Manager - Corporate Banking Relationship I


Tel : 0112324716 Fax : 0112473340



Ms Jayanthi Kurukulasooriya joined the Bank as a Management Trainee in 1994 and counts over 28 years of experience in the banking field. Her experience mainly encompasses in the areas of Branch Banking, Credit, Staff Training, Human Resources Development, Credit Administration, Channel Management and Retail Banking. Prior to joining the Bank, she has gained experience as a Senior Assistant Accountant at the Road Construction and Development Company.

She holds a BSc Business Administration (Special) Degree with a Second Class Upper Division (Honours) from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura and Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Colombo. She is a Fellow Member(FIB) of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka, a member of AAT Sri Lanka, a Licentiate member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka and holds a Diploma in Human Resource Management (Dip HRM) as well. She was able to enhance the Bank’s image by winning three Gold Medals at the Convocation (1997) of Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka for obtaining maximum number of distinctions, completing examination within two consecutive years and obtaining highest aggregate marks at the Intermediate and Final Examinations, which is still an undefeated record.

Assistant General Manager - Treasury

MRS Ebeneezer C V

Tel : 0112 206762 Fax : 0112 458842

Chief Information Security Officer


Tel : 0112027201 Fax : 0112444895

Assistant General Manager - Investment Banking


Tel : 0112 206787 Fax : 0112 458842

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